Karen's Font Explorer v2.0.3 ---------------------------- Copyright (c) 1999-2000, 2002-2003 Karen Kenworthy, All Rights Reserved May be used for personal and educational purpose free of charge. Commercial use requires a license. See http://www.karenware.com/cd.asp for details. The source code may be used and modified for personal and educational use, but incorporating all or a substantial portion of the code into a commercial product is prohibited without permission of the author. This is Karen's Font Explorer described in Karen's Power Tools newsletter. By Karen Kenworthy ( http://www.karenware.com/ ). This program displays a list of all devices attached to your computer that support fonts (printers, and the screen). When you select a device, the program displays a list of fonts supported by that device. Select a font, and you'll see a sample of the font on-screen. You can also print samples of any or all fonts supported by a device. Installation ------------ 1. If you have not already done so, download and install the Visual Basic Runtime v6.0. It can be downloaded from: http://www.karenware.com/runtimes.asp To install the runtime, execute the downloaded file, vbrun60-setup.exe. 2. Execute ptfonts-setup.exe. This is a self-installing archive program. Use --- Run the program by double-clicking PTFonts's icon. The program will then display a window containing a list of all devices attached to your computer that support fonts (all printers, plus the screen). To display the fonts supported by a device, click once on the device's name in the Device list. To see an on-screen sample of a font, click once on its name in the Fonts list. To print samples of one or more fonts, select the fonts from the Fonts list (by - each font's name). Then click the Print Selected button. To print samples of all font supported by a device, select the device from the Device list, then click the Print All button. For more information and updates visit Karen's Power Tools home page at: http://www.karenware.com/powertools/ Subcribe to her free Power Tools newsletter at: http://www.karenware.com/subscribe/ Purchase Karen's CD, containing all her Power Tools, back issues of her newsletter, and a license that lets you use the Power Tools at work at: http://www.karenware.com/cd.asp